7 slot machine myths you no longer have to believe

7 slot machine myths you no longer have to believe 7 slot machine myths you no longer have to believe

There are some myths and legends when it comes to slot machines. We are now getting to the bottom of well-known myths. At first glance, slot machines appear to be simple games. You bet money, spin the reels and hope for big wins. Of course, some players make things more complicated. They form opinions about why they win or lose and hold onto those beliefs.

The problem with slot machines is that their results are not completely transparent. You can’t just open up a slot machine to check why your bets are winning or losing. By comparison, in blackjack or baccarat, you can physically see all the cards in play. Therefore, you can place more trust in the results. The nature of slot machines has led to a number of myths and untruths. Here are seven of the biggest fallacies or myths about slot machines that you may have heard yourself. But you can of course analyse or get to know a number of slot machines for free.

1 – Casinos can change the RTP at any time

Return to Player (RTP) refers to how much a slot machine pays out over time. Some gamblers believe that these payout percentages are not set in stone. They claim that casinos can and will change the RTP at any time.

Many of these players believe that casinos can change RTPs with the flick of a switch. For example, an operator might lower the RTP on all slot machines during busy evening hours. In theory, this step makes sense, as casinos would make more profit if they took advantage of peak hours. However, changing RTPs on a whim is illegal in most jurisdictions.

Licensing authorities have set up rules for their operators. Nevada law, for example, requires that a slot machine be shut down for four minutes before the RTP is changed. Casinos must wait an additional four minutes after adjusting the payback. Any advantage they gain from lowering the payout percentage is negated by the machine’s downtime. Land-based casinos don’t lower RTP just to cheat customers. It’s not worth it to shut down games to tinker with payouts this way.

Many online casinos and software providers are also subject to the regulations of their licensing authority. These regulations usually also affect changes to payout rates. However, some gambling sites are located in lax jurisdictions. These internet casinos can theoretically get away with changing payout percentages without players knowing.

But the vast majority of online casinos license their games instead of developing them themselves. Developers such as Microgaming and NetEnt, for example, operate the slot machines for their casino clients. These providers often operate in several jurisdictions, some of which require third-party auditing. These audits ensure that the developers offer fair games.

Long story short: even online casinos and providers face major hurdles when it comes to changing the payout percentages.

2 – You can time spin correctly to achieve a higher win.

Playing slot machines does not require any skill at all. You just press the spin button and wait for the result. Nevertheless, there are players who believe that slot machines depend on the correct timing of the spins. These players wait for the perfect moment to press the spin button. They believe that they have to wait a certain number of seconds between spins. If they wait for the perfect amount of time, their chances of winning will improve. Those who believe this lack an understanding of the random number generator (RNG).

The RNG refers to a program that cycles through numerous payout combinations to determine the results. Lower wins have a higher probability, while higher payouts occur less frequently. The problem with timing the spins is that the RNG moves at an incredible rate. Most of these programmes run through millions of combinations in a matter of seconds. At this rate, you have no chance of timing the spins with any consistency. The RNG works so quickly that every spin is pure luck.

3 – Online slot machines

Internet casinos have always been considered less trustworthy than land-based establishments. Gamblers have a hard time trusting a site that doesn’t use physical slot machines and other gaming devices. The fact that players can’t physically interact with online slot machines makes them think they are less reputable. Furthermore, you are supposedly more likely to get ripped off at an online casino than at a brick-and-mortar casino. However, platforms like HiddenJack strive to challenge this perception by offering a secure and transparent gaming experience, ensuring fair play and fostering trust among players.

It is true that internet casinos have more freedom in some gambling jurisdictions. For example, sites licensed in Curacao or Belize are not held to the same high standards as casinos with a UK licence. But most online casinos license/rent their software and games. They don’t produce and operate their slot machines themselves. Instead, a third-party software provider handles this aspect. So, the developer would be the one who could rip off the players.

In the history of online gambling, there have been a few isolated cases where software providers have operated faulty games. However, it is very rare for an internet slot to be deliberately designed to cheat players. Providers and casinos will destroy the trust of their customers through fraud. They already have an advantage, so cheating to gain an even bigger edge is not worth it.

4 – Slot machines start paying less when you win

Experiencing a hot slot session is one of the greatest joys of gambling. Slot machines can pay out big wins in no time at all, which can send you soaring.

However, some players have a negative outlook on these winning streaks. They believe that the games are programmed to pay out less when you win. This belief stems from the notion that casinos meticulously control the slot machines. They can supposedly tell when players are hitting big wins and quickly reprogram the games to pay out less.

The first problem with this idea is that casinos don’t spend hours monitoring who wins. Staff have enough to do without having to deal with a successful player. The second problem is that gambling companies already have an in-built advantage. They know there will be winners, but they will still profit in the long run. Another reason casinos don’t reprogram games to pay out less is that it’s usually illegal. They would be violating their country’s laws by taking such measures.

Finally, gambling companies need players to win once in a while. After all, players need some sense of confidence to keep playing slot machines.

5 – The online auto play feature pays less

Most online slots offer a helpful feature called Auto Play. This option makes the reels spin automatically with your chosen betting options. Auto Play is great because it saves you from having to manually hit the spin button each time. You can instead set your betting preferences and relax while the reels spin. Auto Play is great because it saves you from having to manually hit the spin button each time. You can instead set your bet settings and relax as the reels spin.

However, some players are convinced that online slot machines pay out less when Auto Play is used. There is no real logic to this notion. We can only assume that players make this claim when their money disappears faster with automatic play.

However, this phenomenon can be explained with a few logical reasons: Some games run faster with automatic play than with manual spins. Time passes more quickly for players when they are not spinning the reels. Most players are unaware of how much they can lose over the course of 20 to 100 automatic spins. Contrary to this belief, online slots do not suddenly pay out less just because autoplay is activated. With this option, players have the same chances of winning as they do with manual play.

The belief that auto play causes more losses is based on psychological factors and false perceptions. In reality, this option does not affect the chances of winning.

6 – Slot machines are pure luck

Earlier, we described how slot machines don’t require much skill. Given the simplicity of slot machines, many gamblers also claim that slot machines don’t require any skill at all. Instead, it is assumed that these games are as pure a game of chance as flipping a coin. However, the reality is that slot machines require some level of strategy.

The most important thing you can do to increase your chances of winning is to find games with a high RTP. Playing slots with high payback improves your long-term chances of winning. You may not see the benefits immediately, but over time, you will notice them.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find exact payout percentages for land-based slot machines. The companies that develop these games only share the RTP with their casino-operating clients. It is much easier to find the RTP for online slot machines. Most online game developers publish their payout percentages. You only need to google ‘[game name] RTP’ to find information about the payout. You will find that most Internet slot machines offer between 94% and 97% RTP.

Online casinos are on average more generous in terms of payouts. These games are also cheaper to play than most land-based slot machines. If you are looking for the best odds without betting a lot, then Internet casinos are a good choice.

7 – Slots are hot or cold

Slot machines are extremely volatile games. They can deliver a huge payout in one session and eat up your entire bankroll the next. This characteristic has led to the concept of hot and cold slots. A hot game offers a plethora of quick payouts, while a cold machine rarely pays out. Players have passed on this illusion by walking around in land-based casinos or looking around on gambling websites, looking for hot slot machines. Many players also experience such scenarios when they constantly change the game. It may feel like the slot machine that pays out frequently somehow has a hot cycle.

But volatility is the key aspect to focus on here. Every slot is quite volatile and pays out in spurts followed by long dry spells. You won’t find ‘hot’ slots by changing games. You’ll just experience the better side of volatility after changing so often. There is a very good chance that you will have a lucky streak if you keep playing the same game over and over again.

A lucky streak just means that the RNG is awarding payouts. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with how the games are selected. Slots have different ‘hit frequencies’ that refer to how often they are programmed for payouts.

A game with a high hit frequency pays out on a consistent basis. The downside, however, is that such slot machines tend to have smaller jackpots and fewer bonus features. They have to balance out the more consistent wins that are awarded to players.

Final Word

The world of slot machines is littered with myths that have been passed down through the decades. Seeing through these misconceptions is the key to a better slot experience and, hopefully, more cash wins. The fact is,

  • Casinos don’t program slot machines to pay out less just because you win. They expect to have quite a few winners and don’t need to compensate for the rewards they give out.
  • Online slots are wrongly labelled as games that rip off players. It is extremely rare for a slot machine to malfunction.
  • Online casinos only licence the software, so they themselves cannot alter the results. Most software providers operate in several countries and are subject to third-party auditing to ensure fair play.

In summary, slot machines are shrouded in myth due to their very nature. They work electronically and do not allow players to physically see the results. Therefore, some players experience unfathomable events and spin stories about how slot machines work. It is important that you do not fall for these many falsehoods. Instead, do your own research on slot machine strategy. Focus on what works, including finding slot machines with a high RTP and pay attention to volatility.



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