2018 Super Bowl Predictions: How Bookies Balance Their Sportsbooks

2018 Super Bowl Predictions

Ever wonder how online bookie agents balance their sportsbooks when it comes to Super Bowl future betting? Most bookies offer bets on Super Bowl futures.

However, just offering the bets can lead to disaster for many agents. That’s why agents use tools of the bookmaking trade to prevent huge losses on future bets.

Check out Super Bowl 52 odds before NFL Week 14. Then, read about the two best ways that per head agents manage Super Bowl future betting.

Super Bowl 52 Odds

New England Patriots             5/2

Philadelphia Eagles                 4/1

Pittsburgh Steelers                  6/1

Minnesota Vikings                  10/1

L.A. Rams                               12/1

New Orleans Saints                12/1

How You Bookie Balances His Sportsbook:

The first way that agents manage 2018 Super Bowl future betting is by setting individual max betting limits. The second way is by setting overall max betting limits.

Individual max betting limits – This exactly what it sounds like. Let’s say that an NFL bettor firmly believes that the L.A. Rams are going to win the Super Bowl.

That player wants to put $1,000 on the Rams at 12 to 1.

The player logs into his or her account. The player selects the Rams to win the Super Bowl. The player puts in $1,000. The player hits the button to in send the bet.

What happens? An error pops up on the screen. The error says, “The total limit allowed to bet is $200.”

That’s how pay per head agents create individual max betting limits for all their players. They simply set a max betting limit on Super Bowl 52 at something like $200.

What it means is that no single player can wager more than $200 total on any teams to win the Super Bowl.

The $200 is the individual max betting limit for all players.

Overall max betting limits – Bookies also like to create overall max betting limits on Super Bowl futures. What this means is that there’s a specific monetary number where, once reached, bookies will shut off betting.

So, if online bookies only want to take $1,000 worth of future action on the Rams, once $1,000 has been reached, betting on the Rams to win the Super Bowl no longer becomes possible.

By doing so, bookies know that their total exposure on the Rams is $12,000.

The best thing for NFL bettors to do to counteract this is to place bets on dogs to win the Super Bowl. Or, simply bet on their favorite team to win the Super Bowl.

Don’t try to battle the bookies if they’ve created max betting limits.

Become The Bookie

If you really want to battle bookies over their choice to protect their bottom line, then do yourself a favor – start collecting the vig.

You already know a ton about sports betting, all you need to learn is how to balance your sportsbook, retain players, and build your skills with customer service.

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PayPerHead.com provides sportsbook software that helps online bookies balance their book and stay ahead of the game. They’ve been in the business for 20 years, and their expert team is giving back.

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All you have to do is sign up for their FREE trial of their Prime Package, and you’ll be instantly a part of Bookie Bootcamp. Check your inbox for Lesson 1.

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So, what are you waiting for?

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