Bocce tournament was cancelled we are playing today so bare with me
Overs jags oitt, tenn, cards hou
Over in bolts and sea
Ll plays as you know are based onbuys plus or minus 3 points
Over inblots sea the side over wash game over in clev and clev
Dbacks ml rl f and g
We had a good fuckin sat went 6-4 early dbacks fine Right now we fire in 10 min
Rams plus 8 det min 2 over 15.5 2 ND q, over 14 4 q over 51 the buy, over 45.5 alt, det TT 29.5, rams TT 1 st half and game 10.5 14.5
14.5 is det TT 1 st half 10.5 rams 1 st h
Live over 43