That ain't happening today boys
Over both TT f and g and over f and g
That's in tor yanks game
Nats ml rl
Have a bocce tournament going on at my club since yesterday ends tom teams from everywhere all diff states, just looked wash lays were only for front end not whole game, my fault but have been rushing all day yesterday and tom same thing till tournament is done we finished 9:40 last night outdoor lighted courts we have and fuckin hot and humid
Over both TT for game KC det and game over, over f and g in zona
Over f and g in clev over Balt TT front end clev TT for game
Live over 11.5 in Boston
Live over 9 jints 11.5 in bos, over rocks TT front end SD TT f and and over f and g
Go 4-2 in yanks missed tor TT by 1 nail wash plays and front end 2 lays in Baltimore game we push on
Live over in dod game 8
Max live over in mets 7.5